Welcome to

Reykjavik Iceland


Signing the way

In Iceland we drive on the right. Pedestrians should exercise caution and use a pedestrian pathway if available.

A child under the age of 15 should wear protective helmets for cycling and adults are recommended to do so as well.

A driving license can be obtained at the age of 17, but young people can begin driving lessons at the age of 16. Using a smartphone while driving is prohibited, however it is allowed to talk on the phone with wireless devices. Speed ​​limits are from 30 to 90 km per hour.

It is mandatory to use a seat belt for drivers and passengers. A child seat or seat belt cushion should be used for children under 150 cm.

Listen to the pronunciation

Street names often describe localities such as Vesturgata, Lækjargata, Hafnarstræti and Skólavörðustígur.

Areas are also named after themes, for example, from Nordic mythology such as Freyjugata and Odinsgata or names from the Icelandic sagas, e.g. Grettisgata and Guðrúnargata.

The oldest neighborhoods have endings like -gata, -stræti, -stígur, -vegur.

As the city expanded, the number of street names increased, eg. -bakki, -fold, -vík.

Borg - city

Sveitarfélag - Municipality

Gata - street

Vegur - road

Stígur - lane

Gatnamót - intersection / crossroads

Hringtorg - roundabout

Brú - bridge

Torg - square

Umferð - traffic

Hjólastígur - bike path

Göngustígur - path

Gangstétt - sidewalk

Garður - park

Leiksvæði - playground

Vinstri - left

Hægri - right

Beint áfram - straight on

Beygja til vinstri / hægri - turn left / right

Leggja bíl - park a car

Bakka bíl - reverse a car

Inngangur - entrance

Útgangur - exit

Áttir - cardinal points:

norður - north

austur - east

vestur - west

suður - south

Varúð - attention

Fyrir framan - in front of

Fyrir aftan - behind

It is important to learn how to read the street signs in order to navigate in Reykjavik. They help visitors to find interesting places and institutions.

Traffic signs are important tools for navigation as well as understanding traffic rules. In Iceland, the driver has an internal lane priority out of roundabouts, unlike some other countries.

In Reykjavik, Strætó provides public transport services by bus, but in Iceland there are neither trains nor trams. The route map can be accessed on Strætó's website. Mjóddin is the main bus stop that connects Reykjavik to the countryside.

In the metropolitan area, most bus routes run every 15 minutes during rush hour, but every 30 minutes otherwise.

Passengers can pay for transport by using cash, a bus ticket, a bus card or an app.

Bus drivers do not carry any change.

Bifreið / bíll - car

Bílastæði - parking lot

Strætó - bus

Rúta - bus / shuttle

Skiptistöð - bus station

Umferðarmiðstöð - bus terminal

Stoppistöð - bus stop

Strætóbílstjóri - bus driver

Brottför - departure

Koma - arrival

Miði - ticket

Bátur - boat

Höfn - port

Leigubíll - taxi

Leigubílstjóri - taxi driver

Hjól - bike

Mótorhjól - motorcycle

According to a survey on travel habits, made by the City of Reykjavik in 2018, 73% of all journeys in the city are made by private car.

There are heavy traffic jams at rush hour, so the municipality's plan is to increase the number of buses and bicycle lanes.